Wednesday, March 26, 2008

about the name

As some of you BYU students or alums may know, there's a fascinating online institution called "The 100 Hour Board." A group of BYU students writing under pseudonyms accept any and all questions posted on the site and attempt to answer said questions in under 100 hours. The questions vary and the answers are always hilarious, one of those time-waster websites that allows you to justify your frequent visitation by saying "well hey, i'm learning stuff!" Check it out.

Anywho, I used to frequent the site and post under the name "improvocation," which came as the result of questionable inspiration. It's a self-invented combination of four things that currently have a strong influence on me. Improv - sure, planning ahead is great, but a willingness to embrace unanticipated inspiration and true spontaneity is usually the source of life's great moments. Improve - if you're not busy trying to make things better, chances are you're making things worse. Provo - home to me, Brigham Young University, and a kind of religious homogeneity even the Vatican can't's place, culture, and way of life...and my current residence. Provoke - all change needs a catalyst, and it might as well be me.

Genius or petty? Up to you...